Let me introduce myself: I’m Maddie!
All of the things I hope to offer you as a coach are the result of personal experience and an insatiable curiosity about all things related to health & wellness. I became obsessed with the human body, nutrition, fitness, mental health, and spirituality and used myself as a guinea pig for all the things I was learning. I invested heavily in my education and went on to become certified as a Health and Wellness Coach.
Now, I’m taking all the information I’ve learned over the years to help you become “unstuck” on your path to optimal health and wellness. Whether you’re dealing with gut issues, autoimmunity, hormonal imbalance, anxiety, brain fog, etc. I will stop at nothing to empower you with the tools and resources you need to find the abundant health you’re after. I’m here to help put you back in the driver’s seat of your own life and to encourage you to steer that baby in whatever direction you choose.
Maddie Clarke, CTNC, CPT
For most of my 20s, I struggled to find the health and happiness that seemed to come so easily to others.
Chronic gut issues, recurrent skin problems, a dysregulated nervous system & autoimmunity seemed to follow me like a looming storm cloud despite doing all the “right” things. I got to a point of such frustration, I became apathetic. I felt frozen in place, unable to make meaningful changes. A few health scares (and a little hypochondria) forced me to start taking my health seriously. I realized that there were a few crucial areas of health and wellbeing I had ignored for a long time. I realized this:
A sense of true wellbeing is built upon what I consider to be 3 foundational pillars of wellness: mind, body, & spirit. And each pillar is equally important.
I had to stop resisting, stop trying all the “wellness trends”, tune into myself, and discover what I needed to grow and thrive: mind, body, and spirit.
Now, I’ve streamlined my years of knowledge and expertise into a strategic system so that you don’t have to spend years figuring this out. My methods are scientifically backed, consciously constructed, and tailored to suit YOU as a unique individual. They’re simple, yet profoundly impactful.
For years, I struggled with poor gut health, unstable hormones, almost zero emotional control and lack of connection in my life.
I was extremely bloated, fatigued, anxious, prone to depression, easily overwhelmed, angry and irritable, and my own worst enemy. I lashed out at the people closest to me. I had a unique skill in finding ways to be unhappy in most situations. I was barely hanging by a thread.
And then, I decided to change. I started to put into practice all the health and wellness tips I had learned over the years. My body was crying out for the things it needed and sending me signals I didn’t know how to interpret. But I started to learn the language of my body. I began to take care of myself and slowly, my life began to change.
It’s taken me years to transform my life, but it doesn’t have to take you that long. I wish I had accepted help years ago, because surrounding myself with teachers, mentors, colleagues and friends who poured into me was really key in my transformation.
I hope to offer you the help I so desperately needed in my darkest hours. Finding sunshine within yourself is a lifelong journey, and I hope it’s one we can take together.

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